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We have secured all of the inventory for the last printing of this Gaelic Label Guinness Tee in both colors. Once this shirt is gone, it will be gone forever.

Grab yours before it's history!

History of the shirt label:

These labels are Irish language versions of the Guinness trademark label, which would have been produced for pubs within Gaeltacht areas and also pubs who requested the Irish language version of the label for use in their pub.

The first Guinness trademark labels were issued in 1862, and the design was updated several times over the years. Below is an English 1953 label and an Irish language 1962 label – these reflect the designs of the 2 labels. The Irish language versions were a direct translation of the English language version and would have been printed in the in-house Printing department at St. James’s Gate. The labels issued to publicans would have had the publican’s name and address printed on the bottom of the label, similar to the Irish 1962 label.

 Personalized labels were used by individual publicans/ bottlers in Ireland up to the late 1960s.